When arranging for the live streaming of the event, such as a sport event, opening ceremony, corporate announcement, or any type of private event, it is crucial to provide your e-audience with smooth and high-quality experience. In other words, your stream should start on time and be easily accessible, as well as video should be without any interruption and complement with a good sound.

At Link500, we strive to provide our clients with the greatest experience possible. And in this blog, we'll provide you some advice on how to better manage your live stream experience.

1. Choose your platform for streaming

The first question to consider is where you want your event to be streamed. Currently, the variety of platforms are huge, for instance: social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc.), streaming software, your website or dedicated landing page. The choice usually depends on where you most interact with your audience as well as how many attendees do you expect. In addition, some companies have specific communication policies defining the placement of the content.

2. Configure the streaming platform

Once the choice is made about the streaming platform, make sure that the streaming status is activated or permitted. Secondly, decide how do you want to share the livestream link and / or to make the announcement about upcoming event. Then, add a short description and schedule the event, so attendees can block their calendars.

3. Make sure you have a stable internet connection

Good and reliable internet connection is one of the key successful factors for ensuring undisruptive and high-quality live streaming. If you are opting for in-house internet connection (e.g. Wi-Fi), it is important that it will be used solely for the live stream. However, you have a choice to go with the multiple internet connection (e.g. Link500 bonding solution) and relax while doing the stream.

4. Prepare the broadcasting equipment or software

To stream your feed to any streaming platform, you can opt for either streaming software, or hardware (transmitter, receiver). Second option used to be as more reliable solution, because it is specifically designed for live streaming, while software might have some bugs, suddenly restarts or any other sort of failure. In order to set up the equipment, usually you need to have one engineer on site who can figure everything. In case the set up is not complex, you can easily avoid hiring the crew and configure it following instructions of the producer or rental company.

5. Adding some extras

Did you know that you can easily add your logo, titles, and any other graphics to your stream? Just handle this information to the live streaming crew and they will take care about the rest. Moreover, it’s a good practice to start your stream with the intro picture or video, so the audience will not sit in front of the black screen. In fact, the video could provide some additional insights about your company or upcoming events. Additionally, pictures and videos can be placed in between the stream if there is a need for break or some technical issues during the event itself.

In our next articles we will talk specifically about social media streaming, how you can stream from the middle of the desert and what are the dos and don’ts when organising virtual event. In the meantime, let us know your feedback or remaining questions by pressing the below button Contact Us. We are happy to talk and answer all your queries.

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